Peak Wildfire Season Protection Plan

Long-Term Fire Retardant


For our clients in the Wildfire Hazard Zones, we recommend applying PHOS-CHEK for protection during the wildfire season as an extra layer of defense against wildfires at your property. The exact fire retardant that is dropped out of airplanes can now be applied to your property.

Wildfire Threaten Community
Phos-chek application


As a valued member of Allied Disaster Defense, we are committed to providing you with the utmost protection during the critical wildfire season. Our Peak Wildfire Season Protection Plan is designed to safeguard your home and estate from the devastating effects of wildfires.

Our Service Plans


Our team of former firefighters provides a high-quality service that will protect your property. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Thanks for choosing our PHOS-CHEK Fire Retardant Application Service. Your safety is our priority!

One-Time Protection

$ 1497 Per Application
  • Application of up to 35 gallons of enduring fire retardant in your home's vulnerable vegetation
  • Structural Triage - Evaluation of your property's susceptibility to wildfire threats

Peak Wildfire Membership Plan

$ 2997 You will receive a 6 month protection plan:
  • Application of up to 35 gallons of enduring fire retardant in your home's vulnerable vegetation (July-September)
  • Structural Triage - Evaluation of your property's susceptibility to wildfire threats
  • Second Application of up to 35 gallons of enduring fire retardant in your home's vulnerable vegetation (October-November)
  • Wildfire Notifications and Alerts (Valued at $500)
  • Full Wildfire Assessment & Recommendations (Valued at $750-1500)
  • Gutter Cleaning - Our team will clear away dead leaves to minimize the risk of wildfire ignition (Valued at $500)
  • Onsite Wildfire Awareness Training for Property Owner and Staff (Valued at $1000)
  • Evacuation Plan (Valued at $300)
  • Priority Scheduling
  • 10% Additional Discount on Services (This includes ember-resistant vents, gutter guards, vegetation clean-up, earth-quake gas shut-off valves, and automatic water shut-off devices)

Wildfire, Water Damage, and Earthquake

Annual Risk Prevention Services for High-Net-Worth Clients:

As an insurance risk manager, your ultra-high-net-worth clients face unique challenges that require specialized risk prevention strategies. Our annual services are designed to provide comprehensive risk management and protection for their families and valuable assets. Below is a detailed plan of our services, specifically focusing on wildfire, water damage, and earthquake prevention:

Initial Assessment and Planning

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

    • Wildfire Risk: Evaluate the property’s proximity to wildfire-prone areas, analyze surrounding vegetation and landscape, and assess the materials and design of buildings for fire resistance.
    • Water Damage Risk: Examine the property’s proximity to flood zones and evaluate the potential of internal water damage from plumbing, appliances, and roofing.
    • Earthquake Risk: Assess the property’s location relative to fault lines and identify valuable assets vulnerable during seismic activity.

Customized Risk Management Plan

    • Wildfire Risk Management Plan: Develop a plan that includes creating and maintaining defensible space around buildings, home hardening of structures, and applying fire-retardant and vulnerable vegetation.
    • Water Damage Prevention Plan: Develop a plan that includes installing automatic water shut-off devices and water sensors, maintaining plumbing systems, and implementing protective measures against internal leaks and external flooding.
    • Earthquake Risk Management Plan: Create a plan that includes securing valuable assets and fragile items, and establishing emergency response protocols for earthquake scenarios.

Wildfire Risk Education and Best Practices

Wildfire Risk Assessment

    • Evaluate the property’s vulnerability to wildfires

Best Practices Training: Provide education on wildfire prevention, including:

    • Creating defensible space around the property.
    • Using NFPA-approved products for home hardening.
    • Spary fire-retardant and vulnerable vegetation.

Wildfire Scenario Planning: Conduct simulations and drills to prepare for potential wildfire events.

    • Evacuation routes and procedures.
    • Safe zones and shelter-in-place strategies.
    • Communication plans for family members and staff.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Comprehensive Emergency Plan: Develop and maintain a detailed emergency response plan for wildfire, water damage, and earthquake scenarios.

Family and Staff Training: Conduct training sessions for family members and household staff.

    • Evacuation protocols.
    • Use of risk prevention equipment.

Annual Review and Updates: Regularly review and update the emergency plan to reflect changes in the household or emerging risks.

Claims Support

Assistance in the Event of a Claim: Provide comprehensive support during the claims process.

    • Documentation and inventory management for high-value items.
    • Liaison with insurance companies to expedite claims processing.
    • Post-incident review to prevent future occurrences.

Ongoing Support and Monitoring

24/7 Support: Provide round-the-clock support for any emergencies or concerns.

Regular Check-ins: Schedule periodic check-ins to ensure all prevention measures are up to date.

Risk Mitigation Updates: Keep clients informed of new risk prevention strategies and technologies.

3D Imagery and Drone Footage

3D Imagery: Capture detailed 3D imagery of the home’s interior, document all contents, and store this information securely in the cloud.

    • Optimal for detailed inventory management.
    • Enhances accuracy and efficiency in claims processing.

Drone Footage: Obtain comprehensive drone footage of the entire estate.

    • Provides an aerial view of the property for better risk assessment and planning.
    • Useful for vendors and insurance claims to verify property conditions before and after an event.

Benefits for Insurance Risk Managers and Their Clients

By partnering with Allied Disaster Defense, insurance risk managers can offer their ultra-high-net-worth clients unparalleled peace of mind. Every aspect of the risk prevention strategy is meticulously managed and tailored to each client’s unique lifestyle and assets, ensuring comprehensive protection and proactive risk management against wildfire, water damage, and earthquake risks.

An Once of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Suppression

Long-term fire retardants contain retardant salts (usually fertilizers) that change the way fire burns, reducing fire intensity and limiting the spread of a fire even after the water in the retardants has evaporated. The goal of applying fire retardant to your property is to prevent the fire from getting close enough to your home. 

With a combination of applying fire retardant along with home hardening solutions, the chances of your home surviving the wildfires increase significantly.

Membership Perks

Wildfire Assessment & Recommendations

Our former firefighter teams will thoroughly assess your property to identify potential wildfire hazards. You will receive a detailed report with personalized recommendations to enhance your wildfire defenses.

Wildfire Awareness Training & Education

We educate you on wildfire awareness and best practices to enhance safety.

Professional Plans for Evacuation

Receive a customized evacuation map tailored to your property to ensure a safe and organized evacuation if necessary.

Money Saving Discount on Services

Receive a 10% discount on additional Risk prevention services. This includes ember-resistant vents, gutter guards, vegetation clean-up, earthquake gas shut-off valves, and automatic water shut-off devices.

Expert Concierge & Support Services

Gain direct access to our team of wildfire defense experts for any questions or additional support you may need.

Wildfire Alerts & Notifications

Stay informed with real-time wildfire alerts specific to your property. Alerts can be sent via text to up to three designated contacts, informing you and your loved ones of imminent threats.

Sign Up Today, Get Protected Tomorrow

We make it simple to protect your property. Here’s how it works

Step 1: Call or Submit Your Information to get started.

Step 2: We’ll call you back to schedule your initial appointment. 

Step 3: We’ll apply the long-term fire retardant, inspect your property, and provide you with information on how to make your property more wildfire-resistant.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Fire Retardant last?

The Long Term Fire Retardant (LTR) will last throughout the rain season but generally half an inch of heavy rain is the standard of our retardant. This will need to be reapplied regularly for optimal use.

Is the Fire Retardant safe to use around vegetation?

Yes! The LTR is actually a fertilizer and safe to use around vegetation. 

Where do you spray the Fire Retardant?

Depending on your property, generally we want to spray the first 0-30 feet (the intermediate zone) of your home. With larger properties with a lot of vegetation, we recommend vegetation management and additional application of fire retardants up to 100 feet of the property.

Do you spray Fire Retardant onto the home itself?

We spray within the first 5 feet of the home onto any vegetation that may pose a threat. The home itself should be built with fire resistant material and other home hardening solutions like ember proof vent guards and gutter guards. We conduct a home risk assessment to provide you with the best plan of action all around.

Why is the Fire Retardant not pink like the ones dropped off airplanes?

The fire retardant we utilize is Phos Chek, which is the same ones dropped off the airplanes without the pink dye. The pink dye is for the fire fighting teams to see and locate which areas have fire retardants applied. If it was clear, the fire team will have a hard time distinguishing which areas have fire retardants applied. 

Can I water my plants when fire retardant is applied?

We recommend drip hoses or drip lines to water the roots without washing off the retardants.

We've got you covered.

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