1.Remove all dead dry native brush, weeds, grass, and hazardous vegetation situated within two hundred feet (200) of any structure, regardless of whether said structure is located upon such land or upon adjacent land shall be maintained and cleared of fire hazard.
2. When a slope greater than 25 percent from horizontal plane is located within 200-feet from any structure the vegetation clearance shall be no less than 250-feet. This may include reducing vegetation through thinning, pruning or removal per the Fire Code Official.
3. All native brush, weeds, grass and hazardous vegetation within ten feet (10’) of any combustible fence shall be maintained at a height of not more than three inches (3”) above the ground.
4. Remove all vegetation underneath all decks, platforms and balconies. No combustible debris shall accumulate underneath said areas.
5. Trees shall be trimmed so that the foliage is no closer than 10-feet from the outlet of any chimney.
6. Inorganic mulch, wood chips, or similar combustible products shall not be placed within 15 feet of any structure or within 5 feet of any combustible perimeter fence.
7. All roof structures shall be kept free of substantial accumulations of leaves, needles, twigs, and other combustible matter. Overhanging trees shall not be within 5-feet to any portion of the structures roof edge and maintain vertical clearance. EXCEPTION: Existing trees that are maintained, thinned-out and approved by the Fire Code Official.
8. Remove and safely dispose of all cut or bagged vegetation debris which includes grass, shrubs, trees or similar vegetation.
9. Tree crowns and canopies shall be separated horizontally from other tree crowns and canopies by a minimum of 10-feet. Single grouping of shrubs shall be limited to a 10-foot diameter and spaced 10-feet apart. EXCEPTION: Privacy shrubs that are maintained free of debris and provide a minimum 5-foot clearance to structures.
10. Trees that are taller than 18 feet shall have lower branches trimmed so that no foliage is within 6-feet off the ground. Trees or shrubs less than 18-feet in height shall have lower branches trimmed so that no foliage is within one-third off the ground.
11. Remove dead material from live plants, trees, or other vegetation which include dead and or dry bearded palm fronds. All dead trees and vegetation shall be completely removed from the property.
12. Erosion to hillsides and slopes shall be prevented by the following: (Erosion control from abatement) 1. Dead/dry grass or vegetation on a hillside or slope shall be maintained no taller than 3” in height to prevent disturbance to soil. 2. Dead trees removed on a hillside or slope are permitted to have a stump up to 3 feet in height to prevent disturbance to soil.
13. All vegetation shall be maintained in such a manner to lessen the fuel supply and to augment the spread or intensity of a fire.