Cutting-edge technology, like the FloLogic System, identifies leaks starting as small as 1/2-ounce-per-minute. With real-time quantification, it stops leaks automatically, protecting your property and notifying you through user-friendly apps.
Discover the compelling impact of prevention devices such as Flo by Moen Smart Water Shutoff systems on home water leak claims: Homes equipped with this cutting-edge technology witnessed an impressive 96% reduction in paid water leak claims one year after installation, as compared to the two years preceding the installation. In stark contrast, the control group homes experienced a concerning 10% increase in claims over the same period.
Water leaks represent a substantial threat to property damage annually, often overshadowed by the focus on fire and burglary protection. Astonishingly, the risk of water damage is 7 to 8 times higher, contributing to over $13 billion in damages in the United States alone. Fortunately, taking proactive measures can mitigate this risk. Explore the advanced capabilities of flow-based smart water leak detection systems, featuring automatic shut-off functions, to safeguard your property from potential plumbing disasters.