An unplanned fire burning in vegetation; also referred to as a wildfire.
An unplanned fire burning in vegetation; also referred to as a wildfire.
Attack by wind, burning embers, radiant hear or flame generated by a bushfire.
An area that is subject to, or likely to be subject to, bushfire attack.
A collective term that refers to stands of vegetation dominated by shrubby, woody plants, or low growing trees, usually of a type undesirable for livestock or timber management
A fire burning in vegetation that is predominantly shrubs, brush and scrub growth.
An area of reduced vegetation that separates wildlands from vulnerable residential or business developments. This barrier is similar to a greenbelt in that it is usually used for another purpose such as agriculture, recreation areas, parks, or golf courses.
Capability of maintaining original surface characteristics under the prolonged influence of the use environment.
The movement of fire through the crowns of trees or shrubs more or less independently of the surface fire.
An area either natural or manmade where material capable of causing a fire to spread has been treated, cleared, reduced, or changed to act as a barrier between an advancing wildland fire and the loss to life, property, or resources. In practice, “defensible space” is defined as an area a minimum of 30 feet around a structure that is cleared of flammable brush or vegetation.
Attack by smouldering or flaming windborne debris that is capable of entering or accumulating around a building, and that may ignite the building or other combustible material and debris.
A cover inserted in or over an opening or cavity to prevent the entry of burning embers.
The manner in which a fire reacts to the influences of fuel, weather and topography
A document prepared for a specific project or development proposed for a Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area. It describes ways to minimize and mitigate potential for loss from wildfire exposure.
A type of building material that resists ignition or sustained flaming combustion sufficiently so as to reduce losses from wildland-urban interface conflagrations under worst-case weather and fuel conditions with wildfire exposure of burning embers and small flames
The heat created from combustion during a bushfire
An independent agency authorized by legislation or regulation to issue determinations, orders or other instructions in respect of any subject covered by the standard.
The part of the allotment of land on which a building stands or is to be erected
A smaller fire that has started from sparks and embers (fire brands) thrown in the spot fire air by the main fire
An unplanned fire burning in vegetation; also referred to as a wildfire.
one or a combination of radiant heat, convective heat, direct flame contact and burning embers being projected by vegetation fire to a structure and its immediate environment.
Any non structure fire, other than prescribed fire, that occurs in the wildland.
The line, area or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels.